Sunday, November 4, 2012

monster beats m Home So poster

It's your first time away from home. College may be a little scary to you. You get your own space to share with a bunch of other people making it feel like a 24-7 sleepover. But wait. You like sports and your roomie likes movies. How in the world will you decorate your room?


Enter the poster. Posters have been around for hundreds of years. They provide color, themes and cover wall space to perfection. If the poster you choose is especially important to you get it framed so that it lasts longer.

Something Special From Home

So posters are the first way to decorate. Second, did you have something really special in your room at home, say a trophy or ribbon you had won? Just having that in your room will help give you the security and confidence you need to succeed while you are away at college.


Third,beats by dr dre pro...How about your stereo? Bringing your own stereo to college along with your CD collection can make you one of the popular kids on campus. After dinner and before studying blast those tunes down the hall and get everyone dancing away their energy and having fun. Then everyone can settle in for an evening at the books.

Stuffed Toys

Fourth...Did you have a special stuffed animal or stuffed toy on your bed at home? This is more for the girls than the guys obviously but if it was a stuffed animal that your best friend or little brother had given you it will have a unique place in your heart so give it a special spot in your dorm room.


Fifth...Hats! For the guys, a collection of baseball hats will tell everyone about you and your favorite teams. Some hats may have pins you collected as you went from event to event. Imagine having a Yankees cap with pins of each of their World Series Championships. You would certainly stand out in a crowd of baseball fans. Maybe you were on a trip and picked up a new cap. That could start a conversation with a new friend. And with baseball caps you can buy an inexpensive hanger to put on the back of your closet door, keeping them in one place and readily accessible.

Decorating your dorm space at college is extremely important. It will make you feel at home (as best you can) and it will be a quiet and familiar place you can return to at the end of a busy school day. Think about what you want to take away with you and make decorating the first thing you do when you arrive. Get that dorm room looking and feeling like your home for the school year. Related articles:

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